Stimulus Payments September 2024: Which payments are likely to receive next month?

Stimulus Payments September 2024: The STAR (School Tax Relief) checks that are meant to help New York State homeowners ease their burden of school taxes will soon be in the mail for those who qualify. For the Basic STAR in 2023, the average payment was $778 and for the Enhanced STAR, the average payment was $1,407. 

 The state has already started sending out these checks, which will appear on bills paid between late August and December depending on the area of the homeowner. 

 The State Department of Taxation and Finance has indicated that most of the STAR benefits are paid in the fall with a good number of them being processed as early as September. 

Stimulus checks from the state in September 2024: is it still possible?

At this point of the year, the big question is whether states will continue to issue Stimulus Payments September 2024.

Stimulus Payments September 2024
Stimulus Payments September 2024

These payments which were adopted in most countries in the recent past as a measure of cushioning the impact of the pandemic have reduced in most places. However, some states still offer this support to some of their citizens through other programs or new funding for the support. 

New York and the STAR program

There is still one program operating in New York and that is the School Tax Relief (STAR) program. This program is aimed at assisting the homeowners in the state to minimize the tax amount charged on school taxes which may be high. 

The STAR program offers two types of credits: the basic and the enhanced depending on the homeowner’s eligibility. These credits are easily seen on tax statements, which offer significant cost savings. The basic credit was $778 in 2023 and the enhanced credit was approximately $1,407. 

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Alaska and the permanent fund dividend: A case study

Alaska still remains another state that offer financial assistance to its people. The Permanent Fund Dividend (PFD) is an annual check given to the individuals who meet the state’s requirements, financed by the oil and other non-renewable resources. 

The PFD amount is $1,312 in 2024, and this is a lot of money to many families in Alaska. PFD payments are disbursed in cycles and the last cycle was done in August but residents whose applications show “eligible-not paid” by September 4, 2024, will get their check on September 12. 

 This dividend is a significant aspect of Alaska’s revenue base that enables residents to have an extra source of income that is considered mandatory to cater for the high cost of living in the state. 

Stimulus Payments That Can Be Expected in September 2024

SSome states and federal programs may pay out their money in September. They are made towards the continuing relief operations, rebates and tax credits. Here’s what you need to know:

1. TABOR Refunds Colorado

  • Eligibility: Colorado residents who filed a state income tax return.
  • Payment Amount: $847 for single filers; $1,694 for joint filers.
  • Distribution: Stimulus Payments are planned

2. Surplus Tax Refund Georgia

  • Eligibility: Any Georgia resident who filed state income tax returns for the fiscal year 2021 and 2022.
  • Payment Amount: Up to 500$.
  • Distribution: As for Stimulus Payments for 2024, there are no such programs yet, but similar programs can be resumed.

3. Maine Winter Energy Relief Payments

  • Eligibility: Maine residents who filed a state tax return for the fiscal year 2021.
  • Payment Amount: $450 per the eligible person; $900 for couples.
  • Distribution: Stimulus Payments were first released in January and some of them are still being processed.

4. Tax Credit Michigan Working Families

  • Eligibility: The Earned Income Tax Credit for Michigan Residents.
  • Payment Amount: It costs an average of $550 to pay a family.
  • Distribution: Stimulus Payments have been in process since February, 2024 and many are yet to cash their checks.

5. Rebate Checks Minnesota

  • Eligibility: Minnesota residents with the qualifying income level.
  • Payment Amount: It depends with the income of the individual and the status of filing.
  • Distribution: Continued throughout the entire duration of the fall of 2024.

Fourth Stimulus Check incoming?

On a larger level, there are discussions about further financial assistance to the people who have been hit by the COVID-19 pandemic. 

 This entails a possible $200 raise in benefits together with a $2,000 4th Stimulus Check for SSDI, SSI, and low-income earners in 2024. 

 It has been suggested that these stimulus payments may continue for those who qualify for it with further information on who qualifies and when the payments will be made to be released soon. 

The PFD payments

On the other hand, the annual Permanent Fund Dividend (PFD) in Alaska remains to be an important source of financial assistance to the people. 

 The PFD program will distribute $1,312 to eligible Alaskans this year, which is evidence of the state’s continued support of distributing the wealth from its resources. 

 The last payments were made on August 15 and the applicants with the applications marked as “Eligible-Not Paid” by September 4, 2024 will be paid on September 12, 2024. The PFD continues to be an important source of revenue for many Alaskans and this proves the significance of the Permanent Fund. 

 For families, there is an additional provision which states that additional amount may be granted for each dependent child mentioned in the application. This aspect of the program acknowledges the fact that raising children is an expensive affair and provides extra assistance to the families. 

How to know whether you will be receiving a check

If you are in a state that may still be issuing stimulus checks, then you need to be updated on the same. Visit your state’s official websites often and read any letter that you have received in the mail or any email that you have received. 

 Further, in some of the programs, for instance, that of Alaska, the residents have to apply for the checks. It is important to ensure that one complies with all the conditions and time lines in order not to lose this source of funding.



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